Orders and Shipping
How long will it take for a product to be delivered?
Orders are typically shipped within 48-72 business hours. Once shipped, you will receive tracking information to your email address provided at the time of order. If an email receipt is not received, contact Customer Care for verification. Be advised that shipping delays sometimes occur with our carrier, and are therefore beyond our control. Please allow up to 3-4 business days or longer, depending on the location's geographical constraints.
How soon will my order ship?
Your order will ship within 48-72 business hours after your order has been received at our fulfillment center(s). If an order is placed after Saturday 8AM IST, your order will not be processed until the following Monday, so don't panic if you don't receive your shipping confirmation over the weekend!
Please expect longer fulfillment times during holidays.
How do I track my order?
Once your order shipped you can able to track your order by clicking TRACK ORDER.
Return and Cancellations
How do I cancel an order?
An order can only be cancelled before it has been shipped from our end, by contacting us on +91 95947 00011 or sending an email to info@musclenectar.com
Once shipped, an order cannot be cancelled.
What if I want to return a product?
You will need to inform us within 1 business days of receiving the package. You can inform us by writing to us at info@musclenectar.com or calling us on +919594700011 between 10 AM and 6 PM, on business days. Returns will only be accepted for products that have been damaged in transit or that have physical defects.